Rixie Dennison is the owner and creator of Mandala Healing Arts, a thriving wellness practice based in Northern Virginia.
She opened her holistic practice in October 2000. In 2003 she added Reflexology to her practice and then began to teach Reflexology - she has certified 20 women in Reflexology. Her Private Coaching practice has included both individuals and groups as well as Recovery Coaching for those wanting to enhance their recovery from codependency and any addiction spanning over 25 years.
She also loves being in the seat of the teacher at the Sun and Moon Yoga Studio – 25 years – and is one of their senior teachers and on their faculty for their highly regarded 200 and 500 hour teacher training program.
She has launched two new online programs combining all her strengths as a leader, creator of community, teacher of yoga and meditation, well being expert – lifting women up to stand on their own two feet by guiding them gently and kindly deep within to find what is motivating them to tolerate inappropriate behavior, having no clear boundaries, the need the control everyone, enable or rescue. She loves witnessing the evolution of women as they take responsibility for their healing and moving toward their True Selves.